Thursday, March 10, 2011

Volunteer Role Call

We need to assemble a list of people that we can call for help with rides, child care, fixing things, and moving furniture. Can you be on this list? We’ll contact you and if you can’t help this time, that’s fine… we’ll call the next person on the list. Maybe you can only help once a month or once a quarter, that’s OK! Services are generally needed Monday – Friday, 9am-5pm. Please contact us at if we can put you on the list!
  • Rides: Provide rides to doctor appointments, State Service Center appointments, job interviews, etc. Last week a guest had to take 4 buses to get to an appointment! Giving in this area is a blessing during a stressful time.
  • Childcare: Watch a child at the Day Center while their parent attends an appointment or interview.
  • Handyperson: Fix little things that break- a bed, a door, a chair, a toilet. We want the Center to be nice and safe.
  • Moving: Do you have a truck and can you help when a family moves into a new home? That’s a day you want to be a part of!

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